Safeuser for Moodle

SafeUser for Moodle The digital security course “SafeUser” is available for Moodle. SafeUser is a cybersecurity awareness course for non-technical users consisting of 15 chapters and a final exam. SafeUser has developed a version for Moodle, one of the most common platforms in many companies and public entities. This Moodle version can be installed easily … Read more

SafeUser malicious message simulator

SafeUser Malicious Messages Exercises The most effective solution for raising cybersecurity awareness for non-technical users. The increase in millions of malicious email messages reaching users in all kinds of organizations daily is a recognized and unstoppable trend. Despite technical security measures such as email filters or firewalls, cybercriminals still manage to get some of their … Read more

Do phishing simulations help?

Do phishing simulations actually serve a purpose? Are there more effective and simpler solutions? The purpose of this article is to analyze certain aspects of phishing simulation campaigns and to raise questions about their impact and effectiveness. The intention is to spark a debate that helps organizations in designing their cybersecurity awareness campaigns to achieve … Read more

The serious consequences of ransomware on organizations

The serious consequences of ransomware on organizations.   What is ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malicious software or “malware” that modifies and encrypts files on devices and computer systems, causing them to crash or stop working. This software enters the system due to cybercriminal activity or organized criminal groups, in many cases through malicious … Read more

Cyber security awareness campaigns

Many companies and public administrations are planning to carry out cybersecurity awareness campaigns aimed at all members of their respective workforces. Thanks to these campaigns, organizations are able to raise awareness among their users, increase their level of protection and reduce digital security incidents.

Differences between phishing and ransomware

Phishing and ransomware are two of the cybersecurity threats that cause serious consequences for all types of companies and organizations. Both threats have the potential to cause significant economic and operational damage.